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Who I am ?
Hello, my name is Aurélien de Galkowsky and I am passionate about by a lot of stuff, from mechanics to computer science, through astronomy.
Why this website ?
It's been a lot of years that the idea of having a personal site trotted in my head, motivated by the fact to doing everything by myself (graphics - poor, certainly !, server programming, hosting, networking, ...).
This idea came to me in 2009, and I started the first models in 2012 ! It took a while, but it's now done (November 2018) !
This site will therefore deal with my passions, and given that that I'm head in the air, not to say bordering, I have a bad habit of forgetting to write down what I do and find myself in trouble when it comes to coming back on something later, when it all came out of my mind. This site will therefore also serve me as an memory - aid and I will therefore be the first user ! Good visit.

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