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For an "advanced" search, three operators are available to you :

Logical "AND". Can also be written '&'. The space acts as an AND operator. For example, "expression1 AND expression2", which can also be naturally written "expression1 expression2", searches for the AND occurrence of "expression1", AND of "expression2" in all posts.
Logical "OR". Can also be written '|'. For example, "expression1 OR expression2" finds the occurrence OR of "expression1", OR of "expression2" in all posts.
Negation. For example, "-expression" searches all articles for any unsatisfactory terms "expression".

Of course, these operators can be combined to form more complex expressions. The priorities are then as follows, in ascending order :

  • -
  • AND
  • OR

When the "Title Only" box is checked, the content of the post is excluded from the search.

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